Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shocking But True!

Technology is, admittedly, a fickle friend. I myself am often quite mystified by it. And yet, there come those times when technology just comes through for you. You make an idiotic mistake, something even a third grader knows better than to do, but hey! It's OK... Technology's got your back.

So, here's how it went down:

Tonight I did laundry, as I often do in the middle of the night when I realize I literally have nothing (not smelly) to wear tomorrow. I went to take the wet clothes out of the washer and all of a sudden, there it was: that ominous oh crap clinking sound. I cringed. I looked. And yes, sitting innocently on the slick metal bottom of the washer lay my flash drive. Oh, dear flash drive! How I have loved thee! How I have used thee and abused thee! And I thought, at that moment, "This is goodbye."

But, no! Some friendly techno-angel (Wireless Wizard? USB dongle goblin?) was watching over me. Lo and behold, when I sadly plugged old flashy into the USB port, just to make sure, you know, just to confirm the worst, it's happy little green light started blinking as usual. What! Surely....surely not. No, I cannot allow myself to hope... But, wait! Look! Yes, it's really true. The icon for the flash drive is now, unmistakably, available on my desktop. Oh happy day! (With joyous glee we will away and merry be...) (A trophy to anyone who can name THAT reference! Michelle, that excludes you...)

Of course, I did what any sane technology user would do. I immediately backed up all the files I have on my flash drive... on my computer... whose files I have backed up on the flash drive... Something here's not quite right....


Unknown said...

Is that Gilbert I hear?

Hey lady! It has been AAGGEESS but I randomly connected through the wonders of perusing facebook rather than my reading for class, to your blog!!! So anywho, I hope all is well and congrats on la salvacion de la tecnologia. exciting!

phyllis chill

Anonymous said...

I will just say that it's "we will away and MARRIED be." Not "merry."

For, you know, anyone who has to Google the lyrics.