So, if you get a chance to read that, please pass on your thoughts. I have a few of my own. For instance, racial "admixture," as it is termed in this article is only touched upon. In this instance, he only speaks of people with one black parent and one white parent. What kind of results does miscegenation (as I like to call it :P) among other groups lead to? Do the same differences obtain in those situations?
Either way, this is both a frightening and a fascinating line of inquiry. It may be a can of worms we'll wish we'd never touched. Then again, the author alludes to much older "scientific" studies along the same lines. The truth is, this is really only the latest chapter in our on-going obsession with race and racial differences.
Postscript - Another question I have concerns the "bigger brain" principle discussed in the article. I mean, the same principle explains why humans are capable of much more complex thought than, say, roaches, but it appears to only be true up to a point. That's because, if a bigger brain is always better, then what are we to make of animals like elephants and whales? Are they so much smarter than we are that they've chosen a much simpler societal system? As far as we can tell, these animals that have bigger brains than we do aren't capable of more complex thought than we are. Then again, maybe we're just too limited to comprehend the scope of their intelligence. Riiiiiight.
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